Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The last time Emil Carafa sat on the Lodi council with a Luna…

Since Carafa and Luna are running a recycled campaign of the past, let’s take a look at the time they wish to relive.  In 1990, Tony Luna was the mayor and Emil Carafa was his councilman.  Neither could finish their terms.  They were such a disaster, the people of Lodi collected a large amount of signatures and changed Lodi’s form of government just to get them out of office.  Why did the people of Lodi take such an extreme measure?  In 1990, Carafa and Luna raised municipal taxes 35% as their CFO was stealing what turned out to be $740,000. 

Could you imagine how a 35% tax increase would impact you today?  Emil’s bad practices are the same today as they were in 1990.  Emil hasn’t changed.  He has hidden his reckless spending somewhat by bonding away Lodi’s future.

Instead of Tony Luna, PRIDE now has Scott Luna.  Scott Luna’s politics are exactly like his father’s. Scott Luna demonstrated that clearly when he had his running mates create a new, unnecessary, high paying position for his son just weeks before they filed to run together.

In 1991, Emil was a teacher in the Lodi schools.  Within year of leaving office, Emil Carafa was promoted to Washington School principal.  A common practice of the time was every school employee that made it to the Lodi council was rewarded with a principal spot.  Emil’s reward for raising municipal taxes 35% was a promotion to principal.

The following appeared in the Record newspaper on March 15, 1991:

“Prominent issues in the campaign were last year's 35 percent tax increase and the recent indictment of Peter Schettino, the borough's former finance officer, on charges he embezzled more than $500,000.