Thursday, May 30, 2019

It's reckless and irresponsible for any elected official or school administrator to ignore this track record...

August 14, 2018- Many saw the Joe Licata commercial on cable television with a clear focus on Joe Licata rather than the club itself.

Joe Licata also recently appeared with Steve Adubato to discuss the opending of the Teaneck Boys & Girls Club (shut down shortly after the costly commercials).

This is an orchestrated effort by Joe Licata to self-promote and rehabilitate his image after he has come under fire from watchdogs and community activists from multiple communities.

Joe Licata left the Lodi Board of Ed in complete disgrace.  He resigned just months after the School Ethics Commission found probable cause for serious violations (the complaint centered on Licata and Ciofalo).  Licata resigned just months after he was caught intentionally lying about the engineer’s reports pertaining to Lincoln School.  Licata tried to rush the demolition of the administration building and saddle Lodi taxpayers with an $8M bill on his way out the door.

Joe Licata, Mike Nardino, and Jamie Ciofalo were exposed years ago for using Lodi Drug Alliance money as their own slush fund.  Licata paid himself thousands of dollars with drug alliance funds (“consulting fees”) for work he couldn’t produce.   Jamie Ciofalo used drug alliance funds to purchase software in which he had a financial interest.  Mike Nardino couldn’t produce any minutes of Drug Alliance meetings or even name the members of the Drug Alliance when these abuses were occurring.   All three are now off the Lodi Municipal Alliance.

The Boys and Girls Club receives a lot of public funding.  As of a few years ago, the Lodi Mayor and Council was turning over $60,000 (Lodi tax dollars) annually to the Club. Joe Licata’s mother sits on the Lodi council.  The money was supposedly for “rentals” but Borough Hall could not produce a list of rental dates or causes.  While the Club was receiving that substantial amount of public funding, the Licatas and Mike Nardino refused to open the Club’s financials to the public.  They actually stated their refusal at a council meeting.  If you can’t open up your books to the public while receiving public funding, you must have something to hide.

The Boys and Girls Club should be free of self-serving politicians with long track records of corrupting local government.  

Post Date: August 14, 2018