Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Tony Luna and his gang have been electioneering for decades and BREAKING THE LAW…


The "protected zone" where electioneering is not allowed "extends 100 feet from the outside entrance(s) of the polling place up to and including the polling room."

This Tuesday, Lodi voters will be coming out to deliver change.  People have the right to walk through an unblocked entrance and vote freely for the candidates of their choice without being grabbed and kissed by Tony Luna and told who to vote for.

Four years ago, I received a multiple complaints of electioneering at Kennedy Firehouse.  When I arrived, Vinny Martin and his loud mouth, obnoxious supporter Patricia Benti Rios were standing at the entrance.

The law is the law.  Despite Luna’s control over the borough hall and county government, the law must be enforced.

The public should be on alert to take pictures early on of any PRIDE electioneering and to report the illegal activities immediately.

It’s time to end Lodi corruption.