Sunday, June 6, 2021

Being the Lodi Mayor & Council Pay their Political Police Chiefs HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Lodi Tax Dollars at Retirement, These Special Payments to Donald Scorzetti on May 30th Must be Investigated...

Just for one two week period in May, Donald Scorzetti was paid $41,018.17.  Vacation pay: $16,883.20. Sick pay: $12,175.20. Retro pay: $3,165.84.


The Lodi mayor and council pay hundreds of thousands of Lodi tax dollars to their political chiefs at the time of their supposed retirements. 


You can look at years of borough payroll on this blog.  These types of payments to a chief prior to retirement are a new trend.  Why?  Vincent Caruso, Donald Scorzetti, the Lodi Mayor and Council need to explain themselves.


ProPublica has recently done reports on compensation for Lodi police chiefs.  This likely is an attempt by Caruso and Scorzetti to hide their outrageous compensation from government watchdogs.


Also, how can Scorzetti be compensated for vacation and sick days?  He has no defined work day or work week.  He is usually at his home in Toms River with the Borough’s expensive Chevy Tahoe.