Monday, May 6, 2019

“D” stands for DROWNING in DEBT (March 27, 2019)...

The Borough is required to post its annual debt statement on-line.  Being we are in March 2019 and Lodi still did not post its 2018 debt statement, I submitted an OPRA request.  The debt statement went on-line today.

Lodi’s gross debt increased 11.3% from 2017 to 2018. Lodi’s 2018 gross debt of $24,719,296 is nearly the size of a year’s budget appropriations.

This debt is not being accumulated because Lodi did big project like a new borough hall or police station.  The Lodi mayor and council are borrowing money for the most basic borough expenses.  They borrowed money for Scorzetti’s fancy Tahoe so he can drive it to Toms River.  They borrowed money for Caruso’s new vehicle that goes to North Haledon.  They borrow money for the most basic repairs to borough hall.  They borrow money for anticipated sidewalk repairs and sewer line repairs- some of which should be included in their annual budget appropriations.

All this borrowing and debt is done without voter approval.

Could you imagine how much Lodi municipal taxes would go up annually if Lodi paid up front for basic expenses? 

Is it fair that future generations will be forced to pay off all the unnecessary interest payments because of how reckless the mayor and council are today?