Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Behind the public’s back and mine, Frank Quatrone’s contract was already negotiated and sent to the County for approval…

In an attempt to undermine the Lodi taxpayers, Quatrone’s contract was negotiated by four members (3 with conflicts prohibiting their participation) and rushed to the County for approval.  This was deliberately hidden from me and only came to light after I questioned Joe Leto during “Committee Reports”.

Whether they hate me or not, I am an elected Board member.  I have the right to see agreements before they are sent to the County for approval.  All Board members are entitled to committee updates. 

The Board members knew this was wrong but rushed it anyway.


The School Ethics Commission met yesterday.  Lodi’s “Doctrine of Necessity” was on yesterday’s agenda.  Quatrone’s contract was sent to the County for approval before the SEC met.

There is an ethics complaint against Quatrone and six Board members for their actions regarding superintendent negotiations and a false “doctrine of necessity”.  Quatrone’s contract was sent to the County for approval before they even answered the ethics complaint.

There is NO TRANSPARENCY and NO ETHICS from this Board.  This is public corruption at its worst. 

Click on the link below to view the video of the meeting from "Lodi Live":

On the advice of the Superintendent, the Board voted to submit an application to the Department of Education that contained blatantly false information…

The public never had an opportunity to comment on the application before the Resolution was approved tonight.  As a Board member, I was never consulted.  This was never discussed at our work session or any other meeting.

Link to the application that was emailed to the Board members this afternoon, only because I requested it:

Look at what Wallington provided as an answer to the same question:

Link to Wallington’s website:

The public deserves a presentation on QSAC…

Does the public know what QSAC is?

Does the public know why Lodi failed its review?

Does the public understand the waiver that the superintendent is seeking?

On a different note,

While Lodi was failing its QSAC reviews for “Curriculum and Instruction”, was the Superintendent giving money back?

Were the LEA activists giving money back?

When scores improve, there are a lot of money demands?  But where was the converse when 94% of 8th graders were failing PARCC Mathematics in 2015?