Sunday, May 5, 2019

It’s disgusting and disgraceful to hang PRIDE campaign posters in our school cafetarias!

A PRIDE political campaign poster was displayed today in the Lodi High School cafeteria during an event with students and members of the public in attendance.

There is no place for politics in our schools.

Sorry Joe Leto, donations from political campaigns don’t allow political advertisements in schools.  It’s sad that you have no knowledge of school ethics or state statutes.  You should also disclose that your relative ran the event.

A political poster favoring candidates is NOT the same as a business sponsor.  Big difference.  Being Carafa, Leto, and Martin are so ignorant of that fact, it further shows how they are unfit for any public office.

What if a hate group donated to the senior class, would Leto and his friends hang a poster displaying the hate?  There is a reason why districts have policies prohibiting posters favoring political candidates, promoting hate, displaying obscenities, etc.

A standard school district policy in New Jersey: