Sunday, May 5, 2019

Why did a state senator give $500 to a Lodi BOE slate after the Election?

Update:  The same PARTISAN Paramus politician that meddled in the recent NONPARTISAN Lodi Board of Education Election (UNSUCCESSFULLY) is now once again meddling in Lodi’s NONPARTISAN Council Election.  Lodi voters rejected his dirty money and influence six months ago.  Let’s do it again.  Our elections should be about Lodi’s interests, not corrupt special interests from OUTSIDE OF LODI.   

 Joseph Lagana

Link to “Children First” campaign report stamped December 14, 2018:

Joseph Lagana doesn’t live in Lodi.  He lives in Paramus.

Joseph Lagana doesn’t send his children to the Lodi schools.

Joseph Lagana is a partisan politician.  Board of Education Elections are supposed to be nonpartisan.

Did Joe Lagana’s $500 come from his campaign accounts?  Lagana’s campaign contributors are special interest groups and lobbyists that buy off politicians in Trenton.

When you see Joe Lagana campaigning with Emil Carafa at the feast or at a concert, ask him to explain this questionable campaign contribution.

Post Date: February 14, 2019