Monday, May 6, 2019

Weeks later, PRIDE still has NOT ANSWERED for their plans on creating new TAXES in the form of FEES…

PRIDE’s introduced budget is showing they anticipate their “Total Miscellaneous Revenues” to be $14,173,818.42 for the 2019 calendar year.  This same item in their 2018 introduced budget was $5,911,255.  For 2017, it was $6,123,601.07. 

So where did PRIDE find $8,191,477.32 in new miscellaneous revenues in one year?

In the past, this corrupt political group would double sewer rates, create new fees, increase permit fees, etc.  Those are all forms of taxation without appearing on your tax bill.

Demand that this corrupt administration explain its introduced budget in detail.  Emil and his council lied at their meeting about a “zero percent increase”.  Their public notice shows a 2.23% increase in municipal tax levy.

Their budget resolution that was OPRA-ed showed no details, only a title.  The budget will be approved at the May meeting which is AFTER THE ELECTION.

PRIDE will say and do anything to stay in power.  They lie and deceive during Election year to get elected.  They crush you immediately after.  Every time to vote for them, you are left with buyers’ remorse.  You pay a high price for their corruption during the following four years.