Sunday, May 12, 2019

If you lived in an $8,450,000 home in Saddle River, then maybe the Lunas would care about you (not just at Election time)…

The Lodi developer paying Tony Luna for “consulting” lives in an $8,450,000 home.

The Lodi developer that just got a $216,000 tax reduction and refund from Lodi lives in an $8,450,000 home.

The Lodi developer putting up PRIDE signs on Main Street lives in an $8,450,000 home.

How much money is this developer making in Lodi to have an $8,450,000 home?

PRIDE is bought and paid for by wealthy special interests that don’t live in Lodi.  PRIDE’s grandiose campaign is paid by wealthy special interests who always reimburse themselves with your hard earned tax dollars.

PRIDE is led by a wealthy out of towner who is running to take care of other wealthy out of towners.

It’s time for Lodi voters to elect real people that can relate to working class Lodi and represent Lodi's interests.