Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The last page of the teachers’ last contract….

The “Director of Activities” stipend did not appear on an OPRA response I received in September of 2016 (before I joined the Board).

Why wasn’t it disclosed?

I really hope this wasn’t a special gift for the LEA President.  Negotiations should not be an exercise in self-enrichment.  Money should never be kicked back for influence.

Union dues fund union activism.  Extra-curricular stipends for our schools should NOT fund union activism. 

Union officers have historically taken from our students and from fellow teachers to enrich themselves during the negotiation process.

If anyone has an explanation for “Director of Activities” and the $5,395 stipend, please send it to me and I will post it on this blog.  I obviously didn’t get that explanation from a 2016 OPRA request. 

Link to the contract that expired in June 2016: