Thursday, March 15, 2018

The January calendar speaks volumes...

January 24th: The Board passed a Resolution to invoke “doctrine of necessity” so members with conflicts of interest can negotiate the teachers’ contract.  Scorzetti's major conflict was purposely omitted from the Resolution. (During the same meeting, the BOE voted to hire Scorzetti's girlfriend for a position that wasn't advertised.)

January 25th: Joe Leto selected a negotiations committee of four members (Leto, Scorzetti, Nardino, and Telep). 

January 30th:  A memorandum of agreement was signed by Leto’s committee and the LEA.  The Board never set negotiation parameters.  I never received one update. The actions of Leto's committee were never justified or explained.

Leto named a committee on a Thursday.  They already signed an agreement by the following Tuesday.  Outrageous!

This is not OK.  This is not acceptable.

Scorzetti and Leto joined the Board in January, the same month they signed the agreement.  The LEA activists ran their campaign for them. 

Six LEA signatures appear on the agreement including Debra Kwapniewski and Allyson Pontier.  Both were all over the campaign site of Leto and Scorzetti displaying their comments of endorsement.  Both encouraged the LEA membership to vote for Leto and Scorzetti.  Both worked 24-7 on the campaign of Leto and Scorzetti.

This is everyone’s definition of corruption.