Tuesday, March 6, 2018

LEA votes “Yes” on contract, 227 to 9….

I learned about the vote when someone texted me the post shown above.

With that vote tally, LEA members must be very happy with the contract "negotiated" by their relatives on the BOE and those they endorsed in the November election.

Joe Leto violated everything with the negotiations process (see recent posts).  It looks great that his cousin Chelsea Romeo was one of the people counting votes yesterday.

I can’t comment on the contract because I never saw it.  I was never updated on it.   As soon as “doctrine of necessity” was invoked, I was entitled to any and all information that any other Board member had access to.  As an elected member of the BOE, my rights were violated. So were the rights every Lodi voter that put me on the Board to ensure that things are done legally and ethically.

I can comment on the "negotiation" process.  It was full of fraud and corruption- from the dishonest “doctrine of necessity” resolution down to the selection of members with the worst conflicts.  The worst abuses have to do with Joe Leto and Donald Scorzetti.  Everyone involved will have to answer for their actions at some point.