Sunday, March 4, 2018

The BCEA is delusional with its posts…

When Wisconsin ended forced “agency fees”, its largest teacher union lost more than half of its members.  What legal or illegal tactic did Wisconsin use to cause the decline?  Wisconsin gave its teachers freedom and choice.

Teachers chose to leave simply because they were no longer forced to stay. 

The teacher unions need to stop blaming everyone else and look in the mirror. Teachers no longer trust them.   Here are some reasons:

- Teacher union bosses are compensated over $700,000 a year while membership dues increase.

- Teacher unions spend employee dues on radical left wing causes and candidates not supported by its membership.

- Teacher unions are anti-free speech.  They are anti-freedom of association.  They are anti-school choice.

-  Teacher unions are becoming more hateful and negative, engaging in bullying and harassment.

The Wisconsin numbers speak for themselves:

“In 2011, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed Act 10, which did away with agency fees. The state’s largest teachers union, the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC), saw a dramatic decrease in membership over a short period of time: falling from about 98,000 members in 2011 to about 40,000 in 2015.”