Friday, March 9, 2018

Email sent to Quatrone, Leto, and Capizzi...

Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 7:12 AM     

Mr. Capizzi,

Today on, there is an article with Allyson Pontier discussing specifics of the LEA contract and that the Board will be voting on this month.  Joe Leto is quoted: "The next step is to bring the entire board up to date on the agreement and I feel very optimistic that the board will vote to approve the contract,"

As a Board member, I was denied a copy of this contract.  I was denied updates on the contract.  The public learned about all aspects of this contract before I was updated as a Board member.  When the BOE's dishonest and misleading "doctrine of necessity" was invoked, I had the right to all information.  

Other members may be disengaged because of their conflicts of interest and their lack of interest in education. They are fine just showing up to vote "Yes" to benefit themselves and their relatives financially. I prefer to research matters before I vote. I have that right.

Please forward me all information pertaining to the contract that I will be voting on this month.  I need enough time to review everything.  Please send me a copy of the contract, the Fact Finder's Report, the parameters set before negotiations began and by whom, and a list of the each day and time that negotiations teams met since January 3, 2018.

Ryan Curioni