Saturday, March 31, 2018

Marc Capizzi believes he is entitled to a 2% raise each year; this year’s salary $175,118…

Last year, Marc Capizzi had Dominic Miller secretly “negotiate” Capizzi's contract behind the Board’s back.


This year, Quatrone submitted Capizzi’s contract to the County for approval before it was ever discussed with the Board. 

Capizzi believes he is entitled to a 2% salary increase each year no matter how he performs or how his pay compares to BAs in other districts.  Lodi's financial shape is never a consideration.

If most Board members weren’t bought and paid for, here are some things they would be considering during contract negotiations:

-  Capizzi’s budget raises school taxes 2.08%.  Capizzi did not discuss his irresponsible budget with the Board once all year.

-  Capizzi cost the Lodi taxpayers $440,000 on architect plans for an administration building that was never necessary and is supposedly no longer moving forward.

-  Marc Capizzi is one of the highest paid Business Administrators in New Jersey and he is only in his 6th year.

-  Marc Capizzi’s salary has increased over $20,000 in 6 years.

-  Marc Capizzi’s salary is 3.5 times Lodi’s median household income.

-  Marc Capizzi was hired in 2012 when he was the only one interviewed for a position that was never advertised.

-  Marc Capizzi inherited a public position from his father.

-  Marc Capizzi did not possess a Standard Certificate for Business Administrator at the time he was hired.

-  Marc Capizzi has four employees in his office, doing many of his responsibilities.

-  Marc Capizzi continues to do everything procedurally wrong and acts as though he is learning on the job.

- ranked Lodi #7 for towns in New Jersey where property taxes hurt the most.

- ranked Lodi #34 for poorest towns in New Jersey.

The taxpayers of Lodi cannot afford Capizzi’s contracts or his budgets.