Sunday, March 4, 2018

A dictatorship in clear violation of the NJSBA’s rules for negotiations…

I am currently taking my required online training for a second year BOE member.  I began “Governance II- Module 2- Labor Relations”.  It is shocking how badly the Lodi BOE is violating every rule for negotiations.

The program clearly states the following is the role of the FULL Board prior to the start of face to face negotiations (Reminder: “doctrine of necessity” was invoked and members with conflicts are negotiating.) 

- Provide training for the negotiations team (NJSBA provides annual training). I am not aware of anyone on the negotiation teams that received training.  Scorzetti and Leto joined the Board just days before they “negotiated”.

- The full Board must establish goals for negotiations. The full Board never set goals or even discussed goals.

- The full Board must determine the Board’s priorities for negotiations.  The full Board never set priorities or even discussed priorities.

- The full Board must set bargaining parameters. The full Board never set parameters or even discussed parameters.

- The full Board must select the negotiations team.  Joe Leto, one of 9 members (just joined the Board), selected every negotiation committee on his own.

Requirements of the Negotiations team

- May NOT negotiate outside the Board’s framework.  The Board never set framework.

- Must communicate back to the Board regularly.  Never communicated with the full Board.  I had to fight just to see a contract that was already negotiated and sent to the County for approval.