Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Illegal Actions by Quatrone, Capizzi, Leto, and company…

Board members with conflicts of interest negotiated the following for Frank Quatrone. Contract costs for each of the five years of Quatrone's contract:

Year 1: $389,357

Year 2: $397,064

Year 3: $404,925

Year 4: $412,943

Year 5: $421,122

Click on the link below:

Based on the information I requested and received, the unused sick pay is unlawful.  The page linked above was NOT stamped “APPROVED” by the County.  Capizzi did not provide that page in response to my request for Quatrone's contract that was sent to the County.

The “Doctrine of Necessity” used for negotiations was fraudulent.  There is a pending ethics case to deal with that.

Do you now understand why they refused to update me on negotiations and dumped this on my step the night before it is to be approved? 

Is the school budget for the children?  Is the tax increase for the children?  Look at the costs for Quatrone and Capizzi alone.

The actions of those involved in this process should invite a criminal investigation.