Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Open Response to the Threatening Letter I Just Received from Lodi Deputy Mayor Vincent Martin and His Attorney Thomas Brogan…


1.  I just blacked out Vinny Martin’s street address on the post showing how his big house with a lot of improvements (that he purchased for $500,000 in 2006) is only assessed at $321,300.  My question for Thomas Brogan:  what do you have to say about Vinny Martin asking people to sign his petition to run for Lodi council with his street address listed?  Please explain.


2.  Please send me specific blog posts dating back to 2016 that you deem “false statements” or “misrepresentations”.  If you can explain with factual basis why they are false, I will gladly remove them.


3.  Vinny Martin is listed as an owner of a business that was busted twice within a year for cocaine and prostitution.  Public notices and his own statements on state that he is an owner.  If he is not an owner and the public notices and his own statements are untrue, please notify me in writing with factual basis and I will gladly remove all posts pertaining to that subject.

4.  You state: “As you are fully aware, Mr. Martin is an upstanding citizen of the Borough of Lodi…’

I completely disagree.  And that statement shows just a little too much pride.


5.  Vinny Martin has corrupted the Lodi police department with his involvement in making Donald Scorzetti Chief (voting with conflicts), funding Donald Scorzetti’s political campaigns, allowing Donald Scorzetti to take Borough Vehicles to his shore house while telling insurance providers and the Department of Community Affairs that Borough vehicles are prohibited for personal use, etc.  Vinny Martin has his daughter working under Donald Scorzetti and working with all of Donald Scorzetti’s daughters in Police Records while Vinny Martin is voting on 4% raises for Donald Scorzetti.

Furthermore, what Vinny Martin and his administration did to Captain Grillo is disgusting.  That is corruption of the police department.


6.  Dirty Politician- Vinny Martin is nasty and he is a bully.  He has been like that his whole life.  Before I ever posted anything about him, he sent me nasty emails, insulted me at Board of Education meeting with the most petty, stupid things, and made many libelous statements against me.  Vinny Martin is not a victim. 


7.  The ethics complaint against me by Debra Kwapniewski- The NJEA spent over $100,000 filing frivolous complaints against me.  I successfully defended myself “pro se” for three years.  I was the only board member not to use a taxpayer funded attorney to defend myself.  I saved the Lodi taxpayers at least $15,000 by refusing to use a taxpayer funded attorney in which I was entitled.  The day of the administrative hearing with Elissa Mizzone Testa in Newark, there was snow on the ground, I was busy at work and decided at the last minute that I had better things to do than drive to Newark to talk about a blog post: “If you can read, thank a teacher.  If you can’t, thank a teachers union.”  I already successfully defended myself against the same complaint over and over again.  I told Elissa Mizzone Testa to refer to the evidence I already submitted.  She said that she would not read anything that I submitted and then she had the NJEA Attorney, Gail Oxfeld, write her decision for her.

Do I regret not going to the hearing in Newark?  Absolutely not.  The decision against me is being used at Board training sessions throughout New Jersey because it is so absurd and laughable.  Board members as far as Ocean County have reached out to me after their attorneys discussed my decision with them to tell me that everyone was laughing at my posts and that they enjoyed reading my blog.

Elissa Mizzone Testa humiliated herself with her decision.  It was blatantly dishonest.  District payroll and other public records show that she is dishonest. Three years later, she has to be more embarrassed by the decision than me.  You and Vinny Martin can talk about this decision all you like.  It doesn’t bother me. Compare and contrast this decision with the ethics decisions against the Lodi politicians associated with Vinny Martin (Dominic Miller, Tony Luna, George Reggo, etc.)  Compare blog posts about the NJEA with the misappropriation of public funds.  Compare blog posts about the NJEA with the illegal awarding of contracts to family members.  Compare blog posts about the NJEA with using your public position to lower your own property taxes.