Saturday, April 7, 2018

Scorzetti received a $7,838.97 pay raise before the judge hears the case. Current salary: $202,858.80

The screenshot below appeared in the Record today and is NOT true. The Lodi politicians continue to intentionally under report their public salaries to reporters and to Judges.

Donald Scorzetti’s current salary is $202,858.80.

Despite what the Mayor and Council tell the State each year, they are in fact paying him 12% longevity pay on top of his base salary.  It’s included in his bi-monthly pay so it must be reported as his salary.  Scorzetti’s real salary should have been disclosed to the papers.  It should have been disclosed in the public notice.  It should be disclosed to the Superior Court Judge.

Here is the most recent Borough payroll showing Scorzetti's two week pay of $8,452.45:

Spiniello never disclosed to the papers that Donald Scorzetti is already being paid the Chief’s salary before the Judge even heard the case scheduled for May 24, 2018.  His contracted salary for 2018 is $195,019.83.  

So in reality, the Mayor and Council already made Scorzetti the Chief.  They are already paying Scorzetti the Chief's salary.  They are acting as though they are doing the town a favor by asking a Judge to give his "blessing" to something they already did.

Scorzetti was informally promoted while he was  negotiating the LEA contract.  Some members of the LEA bargaining unit: Councilwoman Licata,  the Mayor's daughter, and a Councilman's wife.

The public likely will perceive this as another quid pro quo.  This was Scorzetti’s reward for getting on the BOE and taking care of the Mayor and Council and all their relatives employed in the Lodi schools.

Link to Scorzetti’s current contract: