Friday, April 27, 2018

Lodi has the right to know about Leto’s sham “negotiations”...

Now that action has been taken on Capizzi’s contract, the public has the right to know the process behind it or lack thereof.

Below are some questions I asked the negotiations team.  I directed the questions to Leto.  

1.     It was the role of the full Board to set negotiation parameters prior to negotiations.  Who set the parameters and when?  What were the parameters?

Response: There were no negotiation parameters.

2.     How many times did negotiations take place?  Dates?  Subjects discussed?  Who was in attendance?

Response: They met once for about an hour.  The following were in attendance: Leto, Scorzetti, Carbonetti, and Telep. 

3.     The contract was sent to the County for approval before Board members received any update.

Response: No explanation.

5.    What resources and data did you use for determining the salary?  What is the State average salary for a six year Business Administrator?  Have you reviewed contracts for comparable districts?

Response: They didn’t use any resources.  They didn’t know any State averages.  They didn’t review any contracts for comparable districts.

6.     Who negotiated Mr. Capizzi’s first contract and each contract thereafter because the salary started really high?

Response: Nobody knew. 

7.     Was performance discussed when determining the pay increase?  For example, some things to consider: there is a 2.08% tax increase and the budget wasn’t discussed all year, $440,000 was spent on architect plans for a project not needed, OPRA and OPMA issues, legal bills run up unnecessarily, unfair hiring practices…

Response: Performance wasn’t discussed.

Mike Nardino said Capizzi's salary increase was only $3,500 as though it was nothing.  I explained that 2% on a lot is a lot and it should not be a guarantee each year.  Mr. Capizzi started a lot higher than other BAs.

Joe Leto said they offered Capizzi even more during negotiations.  I said, I am sure the Lodi taxpayers will love to hear that.  Leto then tried to explain himself and said he didn’t offer it personally, the committee did.  He claimed they offered Capizzi more for travel expenses.