Monday, April 30, 2018

A disengaged Board showed a lot of enthusiasm in cancelling all work sessions…

The public notice above appeared in today’s Record newspaper.

What does the cancellation of work sessions mean for the residents of Lodi?

-         The public is given less time to review agendas for regular meetings.

-         The public no longer has an opportunity to speak about issues before they are voted on.

-         There will be less time to research whether planned Board actions are legal.

Four Board members that voted for the cancellation just got on the Board.  They only attended two or three work sessions.  

Cardone’s re-organization speech: she has to be home by 8:30.

If they don’t want to be there, they should resign.  They should show as much enthusiasm for education as they do for their nepotism and cancelling public meetings.

The cancellations further show that Lodi has a puppet Board.  They want to show up, rubber-stamp whatever Capizzi and Quatrone places in front them, and then go out to the Diners where they are rewarded accordingly.

I don't enjoy work sessions.  In fact, I usually have a bad headache for 24 hours after each one.  It is frustrating to deal with people that are constantly scamming the community instead of dealing with education.  With that said, I voted NO because cancelling public meetings is disrespectful to the voters that put us there.

YES votes to end work sessions

Cardone, Leto, Scorzetti, Vizcaino, Marra, Nardino, and Carbonetti

NO vote


