Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Scott Luna should disclose all conflicts of interest he has with the wealthy developer of Lodi’s Main Street…

As soon as Tony Luna retired as Lodi Boro Manager, he immediately began to “work” for the developer of Lodi’s Main Street.  Everything about the arrangement looked really bad from an ethical stand point.  Boundaries supposedly set by the administration were clearly crossed.

The residents of Lodi recently saw this same developer receive a $216,765 tax refund as an assessment on one of his properties was reduced by over $7,285,000.

Tony Luna appears to be functioning as a paid lobbyist for the developer. 

How much has Scott’s father been paid by this developer to date?

Will Scott’s running mates release all communications and records pertaining to JMP’s big tax break?

As a candidate for Lodi council, Scott Luna owes it to the voters of Lodi to disclose all conflicts of interest.  As a councilman, Scott Luna would be in a position to do a lot of favors (using Lodi tax dollars) for a developer that makes payments to his father.

The voters of Lodi deserve answers. 

This is a conflict of interest too serious to overlook.  

Post date: 3/13/19