Wednesday, March 27, 2019

JMP’s property tax card provides no explanation and raises more concerns about the $216,765.15 tax refund…

Resolution from the Lodi Mayor and Council's December Meeting:

Click on links below to view recent posts on the subject:

I placed an OPRA request to see the CURRENT property tax card for the property “JMP 150-174 Essex St. LLC” (Block 174.01, Lot 11.02).  I received that record this week:

Click on link below to view the property tax card:

The card shows a 2018 Land Assessment of $640,800 (which is a $109,200 less that the 2004 assessment of $750,000) and an Improvement Assessment of $8,735,000 for a total assessed value of $9,375,800.  The resolution by the mayor and council lists the land assessment at $0.

The property tax card shows that a new office building was added to the assessment in 2018 even though it doesn't list an approximate year that it was built.  An old building that was demolished is dated 4-19-12.  The assessed value for the new office building is listed at $8,735,000.

How can the assessed value for Improvements be reduced from $8,735,000 to $1,450,000 when the office building has to be fairly new?

The property tax card is not reflecting any updates since JMP was awarded its $216,765.15 tax refund.

Lodi deserves a clear and truthful explanation as to what is going on here.

George Reggo is a crooked tax assessor.  No longer can the public allow Alan Spiniello, the borough manager, mayor, and council to avoid answering for these tax refunds by saying George Reggo is responsible and does “in house” adjustments.  All are aware of George Reggo’s egregious past and current violations. 

Post date: 1/20/19