Saturday, March 23, 2019

As a Lodi Councilman and Lodi Housing Authority Commissioner, Albert DiChiara is required under the Local Government Ethics Law to complete an annual Financial Disclosure Statement.

A requirement of the law is to “List the address and a brief description of all real property in the State of New Jersey in which an interest was held.”

Albert DiChiara is not exempt from answering because he doesn't qualify as a law enforcement officer.   

Albert DiChiara answered “None” on his disclosure as though he doesn’t currently own a home in Fairfield, NJ.

Click on the 2018 financial disclosure statement:

You can search the link below to view the financial disclosure statements of other Lodi officials:

This is not a personal attack.  This is just trying to keep Lodi politicians honest.  If politicians refuse to provide truthful statements on a required document, then they shouldn’t be serving in public office.