Sunday, March 10, 2019

Party likes it’s 1984…

Emil Carafa and Luna used “PRIDE” as their slogan for their 1980s campaigns.

35 years later, the same families are running the same campaign.  Their policies were disastrous back then.  Their policies are disastrous today.  They used public office to enrich their families back then.  They use public office to enrich their families today.

They meet at the same house where they pull out the same old box.  They point to a flier from 1984 and say: let’s use that one.

It’s time to move on to something better.  It’s time for new faces.  It’s time for all of Lodi to be represented and not just the nepotism families from decades past.

If they want to pull out their 1984 campaign box, then maybe I should pull out some other old campaign signs.