Monday, March 25, 2019

PRIDE Patronage Deception…

Less than two months before officially announcing that Scott Luna is their running mate, Mayor Emil Carafa, Councilman Albert DiChiara, and Councilman Vincent Martin had their Borough Manager Vincent Caruso create a new title for Scott Luna’s son.  An OPRA request yielded no job posting or job description

PRIDE candidates and their relatives are now trying to defend this new patronage position by stating: “Garrett Luna went to college for this position.”

This is complete deception by PRIDE.  They are avoiding the real problem at hand.  But there is even a problem with their distracting statement.  It's not true.  Below are two items.  The first item shows that college is NOT required for the civil service title “Recreation Leader”.  The second item shows that Garrett Luna was majoring in “Communications”.  That is a NOT a “Recreation” degree.