Saturday, March 16, 2019

“I” stands for INTERFERING in BOE business…

Because the current Lodi mayor and council see our schools as an employment agency for themselves and their families, they constantly interfere in BOE business. 

Mayor Carafa’s team funneled their dirty pay-to-play cash into BOE campaign accounts of borough employees working under them:

Mayor Carafa was the central figure in a Probable Cause Notice from the School Ethics Commission:

Mayor Carafa’s team promoted Donald Scorzetti to police chief just months after he joined the board and was negotiating the contracts for their relatives:

Mayor Carafa and his son, a former BOE member, were big proponents for demolishing and replacing the Lincoln school administration building ($8,000,000).  Mayor Carafa misled the public by stating a fire from over 40 years ago was a reason to demolish and replace in 2017.  An engineer strongly expressed otherwise.

Mayor Carafa’s administration blocked the $7.5M referendum question from appearing on a ballot, thus shutting out the public’s input:

Instead of working with the BOE to bring about positive reforms and deliver some tax relief, the Carafa Team has strived to maintain a corrupt system.