Monday, March 4, 2019

Prospect Park fires the Sciarrillo law firm…

Link to article from

From the article:

“At last week's meeting, the school board majority fired Merlino and Vrabel, whose contracts end June 30 and appointed professionals who Caraccio and Greer claim have political ties to Khairullah.

Buglione, Hutton & DeYoe were appointed as legal representatives for the board at an hourly rate of $130 and Ferraioli, Weilkotz, Cerullo & Cuva, as auditor, at an annual fee of $15,000.

Merlino was paid $165 per hour, according to his terminated contract.”

Merlino is a partner at “Sciarrillo, Cornell, Merlino, McKeever & Osborne”.  Sciarrillo ripped off Lodi for years.