Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Some Examples of Corruption for Vinny Martin and his PRIDE team…

When your Tax Assessor George Reggo gives big tax breaks to family and friends of Lodi politicians without tax appeals being filed, that’s corruption.  That tax assessor (still employed by you in boro hall) was in the news not too long ago:

When you overpay hundreds of thousands of tax dollars for professional services in return for campaign cash, that’s corruption.  A part-time boro attorney is being paid $210,000/year, nearly four times the pay for someone doing the same work in a comparable town.  Legal work that he should be doing is outsourced to the “Florio” and “Decotiis” firms.

When you promote a police chief and negotiate his contract at the same time that he is negotiating the contracts for all your relatives employed by the Lodi BOE, that’s corruption.  When you vote on his contract with all your conflicts of interest (with or without “doctrine of necessity”), that’s corruption.

When you violate all civil service regulations to benefit a councilwoman’s son or a running mate’s son, that’s corruption.

When you entered Gary Paparozzi in the public pension system after you created a new title and “part-time” position for him, that’s corruption.   It was so corrupt that investigators from the Trenton had to come to Lodi and remove him themselves after your administration refused to address the violation.  You knew the law affecting public pensions and “part-time employees” changed years before your action. 

This list can go on forever but I have already spent too much time posting today.