Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Bob Marra PERJURED himself…

This is what Robert Marra certified under the penalty of perjury:

I never questioned the recommendation during the personnel meeting?

Most of the meeting was consumed by me asking questions about the High School Secretary recommendation because the process was so unfair.  You can read about my questions in my response submitted months ago (pages 2 and 3 in the link below):

Robert Marra,  you have not had any campaign affiliations with Mr. Scorzetti?  

Mr. Marra, maybe you should have your running mates delete their campaign page the next time you commit perjury.

At all relevant times, Robert Marra was not aware of any alleged relationship between Donald Scorzetti and Ms. DeGondea?

Funny, you received this email immediately following the personnel meeting and two days before you voted to hire Scorzetti’s girlfriend.  

You are also on “Lodi Live” where the relationship was discussed prior to your vote.

I hope the School Ethics Commission takes it serious when sitting Board members commit perjury.