Monday, July 30, 2018

BOE approves Board Attorney contract without ever seeing it…

The public notice above appeared in the Record today.

Last Wednesday, Nancy Cardone made a motion to hire “Busch” without the Board ever being presented with a contract or even a written resolution authorizing it.

I stated multiple times that we needed to see the contract so we knew the terms we were voting on. 

I reached out to other governing bodies.  They are provided contracts as attachments to their agendas so they actually know what they are voting on when the resolution comes before them.

With all the problems the district had with prior attorney contracts, you would think that Capizzi and Quatrone would be a little more responsible.  You would think that they would have informed Nancy Cardone that you have to negotiate and settle the terms of a contract before it is casually awarded.

This morning, I requested a copy of the contract referenced in the public notice.  It has not been provided.  Who knows if it was even drawn up yet.