Thursday, July 19, 2018

If they are lying under oath, they are lying in all situations…

Yesterday, I received yet another answer from Quatrone, Leto, Nardino, Cardone, and Marra for the same ethics complaint from February involving the unfair hiring of a Board Member/Police Chief’s girlfriend.

I am posting their answers because the public has the right to see the level of dishonesty we are dealing with.  Their answers change from month to month and even day to day.  Click on the link below to see what I received yesterday:

The Superintendent gave unfair advantages to a Board member’s girlfriend.  All Board members were aware prior to the vote that they were hiring a Board member’s girlfriend.  They can avoid the facts.  They can commit perjury.  They can claim that they are not friends with Donald Scorzetti or affiliated with him politically.

They can hope strangers in Trenton fall for the lies.  Residents of Lodi know the situation.  Lodi knows they are lying.

The median household income in Lodi is $52,000.  The High School Secretary position is a very desirable position because of its pay, benefits, pension, etc.  Quatrone states that there were only 6 resumes on file.  That in itself doesn’t tell you something is seriously wrong?

Something Quatrone isn’t telling you:  there was a really large stack of resumes submitted for the Account Clerk position.  Many of the resumes were outstanding.  Applicants clearly stated that they were seeking Secretarial positions and their resumes were not just limited to Account Clerk.  I asked Quatrone if any of those resumes were considered for the High School position.  Quatrone clearly stated that he did not consider them.  Quatrone talks about “internal” and “external” resumes and his peculiar way of coming up with six.  He manipulated the process and did not consider exceptional candidates whose resumes should have been on file.

I owed it to the victims of Quatrone’s unfair hiring practices to file this complaint.  Quatrone and his Board members played them for fools.  I owed it to the taxpayers of Lodi to file this complaint.  Public funds should not be used to subsidize nepotism and political patronage.

Donald Scorzetti’s public salary is over $200,000.  Instead of giving back to the community, he grabbed for more at his very first regular meeting.  His first priority was to get his girlfriend on the Board’s payroll.