Sunday, July 29, 2018

Special Board of Ed Meeting this Tuesday at 6:30 PM, discussion on additional state aid…

Link to agenda for Tuesday's meeting:

The Board will discuss how to spend the additional state aid: $1,773,496.  That money should be used for tax relief.  Our current budget is already padded to the extreme in typical Capizzi fashion. 

Frank Quatrone, Marc Capizzi and their 5 Board members with really bad conflicts of interest cannot be trusted with your money.  The last time they stashed away millions, they tried to demolish and replace the structurally sound Lincoln School administration building.  All the signs are there that they are going for it again.

Quatrone and Capizzi lied to the public and to Board members last year when this same discussion came up.

Quatrone and Capizzi are not honest.  The five Board members with really bad conflicts of interest have demonstrated that cannot think, speak, or vote for themselves.  They are bought and paid for in every sense of that term.  Quatrone and Capizzi have complete control over them.

This is what Leto, Cardone, and Scorzetti said right before they joined the Board:

“We are NOT for raising taxes, there is enough in the budget to work with.” – October 15, 2017

Right after joinging the Board they voted to raise taxes 2.08% even with the district receiving millions more in additional state aid and the $8M budgeted to demolish and replace Lincoln school.

This is the slogan Bob Marra put on his palm card before he officially joined the Leto, Cardone, and Scorzetti team:


As soon as Marra was re-elected (barely), he voted to raise taxes 2.08% even with the district receiving millions more in additional state aid and the $8M budgeted to demolish and replace Lincoln school.

The five phonies with really bad conflicts of interest deceived you for a vote and raised your taxes 2.08%.

Now, they are in a position to offset their tax increase.   Let’s see what they do.

Side note:  Bob Marra wrote on the bottom of his palm cards: Paid for by “EDUCATION FIRST” 23 Blueridge Rd Lodi NJ.  No such committee exists.  No reports were filed by Marra during the last election.  He ran with Scorzetti, Leto, and Cardone yet his name doesn’t appear on their reports either.