Monday, July 23, 2018

The State's corrupt teacher union meddled in Paterson’s mayoral election…

Big money from teacher unions have been corrupting elections and candidates at all levels.

Link to article on

From the article:

“Progressive Values’ largest contribution was $75,000 from Garden State Growth, a political action committee connected to the state teachers’ union.

Rodriguez said he was puzzled by the state teachers’ union committee's decision to spend so much money in a mayoral election. The union’s communications staff did not respond to a phone message seeking comment for this story.”

Candidates are bought and paid for before they sworn in.

Election laws are not enforced.  Money is laundered.   Everyone giving is getting something in return.  

Side note:  Leto, Cardone, Scorzetti, and Marra did not file required ELEC reports. The teacher union endorsed them and ran their campaign.  How much money was funneled to them by the teacher union?