Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What are the BOE’s ad hoc committees really about?

Marc Capizzi just asked the Board to form an ad hoc committee to review Lincoln School reports.

We all saw what happened last time.  Lies, fraud, and a loss of $400,000.

Joe Leto just formed an ad hoc committee for the selection of Board Attorney.

It is the job of the full Board to interview prospective candidates and select the Board Attorney.

A few months ago, Leto formed an ad hoc committee to write all of the interview questions that other Board members would ask when filling a vacant Board seat.

Board members should choose their own interview questions.  Board members take an oath not to surrender their independence.

What are these ad hoc committees really about?

They are designed to shut the public out.  The public is not allowed to attend these meetings.  Committee meetings are not recorded.  Minutes are not kept.  There is no public record.

They are designed to circumvent the Board.  Committee members are not working on behalf of the Board.  They are working around the Board.  The full Board is not selecting the committee, defining its role, or setting committee assignments.  The committees are rogue.

It’s a way for Capizzi and Quatrone to influence decisions that ultimately belong to the Board.  Capizzi and Quatrone are 2/5 of these committees.  Board members are supposed to select the Board Attorney, not Capizzi and Quatrone.  Board members are supposed to interview candidates for vacant Board seats, not Capizzi and Quatrone. 

Divide and conquer.  If any Board members demonstrate independent thinking, Capizzi, Quatrone, and Leto will not ask any two of them to sit on the same committee. It’s a way to drown out one voice of reason with four voices of deception.

To sum it up, if Capizzi and Quatrone want to hide something or act on behalf of the Board, they have Joe Leto form an ad hoc committee.