Wednesday, July 4, 2018

I will not give legitimacy to sham committees that are undermining other Board members, all Lodi taxpayers, and the district as a whole…

I resigned from one committee and turned down two others.  Remember the reasons why?

Below are the emails I sent to Joe Leto in which I explained each decision.

Why I turned down being on a committee to discuss the selection of Board Attorney (Sent June 30, 2018):


I am sorry for any inconvenience but I have been advised not to attend this committee meeting.  With all the controversies surrounding this Board, I really shouldn't put myself in a situation where things said are not on tape and records are not kept. 
As I stated in our conversation over the phone last Sunday, I believe that the full Board should participate in the entire selection process. Different Board members bring different things to the table.  For example, Leslie has a Law background.  No members should be shut out.  No member should have any more influence than any other.

It appears that these ad hoc committees are being used as a way to keep information away from the public and also to give Quatrone and Capizzi more influence over the decisions that belong to Board members.  

Not too long ago, an ad hoc committee to study Lincoln School reports ended in complete disaster.  We all saw the benefits of having the Engineer speak in public and discuss reports in public.  That should be a lesson learned.  Everything that can be discussed in public should be discussed in public. What can't be discussed in public should be discussed by the full Board in closed session.


Why I turned down being on committee to choose the interview questions for other Board members (Sent February 17, 2018):


After doing some research, I don't believe this should be a committee assignment.  Once again, there are 8 Board members and no four members should have more influence in this process than anybody else. I don't feel comfortable being part of this committee and will not be attending the meeting on Monday.

Our by-laws state: "The Board of Education authorizes the creation of committees of Board members charged to conduct studies, make recommendations to the Board, and act in an advisory capacity. Committees are not authorized to take action on behalf of the Board."

If the committee meets on Monday, when would it present its recommendations to the whole Board?  When would the whole Board have an opportunity to make the ultimate decision of which questions would be asked on its behalf? 

The committee never asked the Board what criteria should be used for selecting a new member. The Board never discussed a consistent rating form to evaluate answers.  From the NJSBA's guidance:

2.  Ask each candidate the same question and use a consistent rating form to evaluate the answers. 

The most recent public notice does not include a resolution to go into closed session for deliberations.  From the NJSBA's guidance:

4.  After the interviews are finished, the board can go into executive (closed) session to deliberate.

How can you select someone without deliberations?  When would you evaluate answers and compare ratings?

Ideally, the whole Board should have met sooner if it wanted to agree on a set of questions.  It didn't.

At this point, why shouldn't each member come with one question on Wednesday and ask that same question to all five applicants?  The Board can disclose that each member chose their own question so members will not be responsible for the questions of others.  

If all members enter the meeting open-minded, independent, and respectful, the public will recognize it and appreciate it.

Ryan Curioni

Why I resigned from the Personnel Committee (click on the link below to view email sent on March 23, 2018):
