Thursday, February 1, 2018

Legalized Corruption…

The LEA endorsed Donald Scorzetti in the last election. 

Donald Scorzetti endorsed the LEA in the last election.

Advisory Opinions prohibit Donald Scorzetti from negotiating the teachers’ contract.  The endorsement is one reason.  The other is Councilwoman Patty Licata is part of the bargaining unit.  Patty Licata brought back the “Deputy Chief” position for Donald Scorzetti.  She plans on making him the next chief (despite his lack of ethics, poor judgment, and the fact everyone else deserves it more).

Neither of these two conflicts were listed on the "Doctrine of Necessity" Resolution even after I requested that they be included.   The School Ethics Commission will not know the true extent of Lodi's conflicts.  Whoever drew up the Resolution was negligent of his/her responsibilities.

Joe Leto (multiple conflicts) named Donald Scorzetti as one of three members to negotiate the teachers’ contract.

Allowing someone with Scorzetti’s multiple conflicts to negotiate is legalized corruption. So is promising out tax dollars in return for endorsements and campaign support.