Sunday, February 4, 2018

A quick announcement from Joe Leto on Super Bowl Sunday...

A few problems:

1)     The School Ethics Commission hasn't  yet reviewed the controversial “Doctrine of Necessity” resolution that was passed by the Lodi BOE on January 24th.  The SEC’s next meeting is February 27th.

2)     The School Ethics Commission hasn’t dealt with the ethics complaint that arrived in Trenton last Wednesday and questions Quatrone's “doctrine of necessity”.

3)     “Doctrine of Necessity” isn't necessary for the superintendent’s contract negotiations.  The advisory opinion below was provided to the Board prior to the January 24th meeting.

4)     Nardino, Carbonetti, and Leto all have serious conflicts of interest and shouldn’t be anywhere near the superintendent’s negotiations.  All three were named in the recent ethics complaint and have demonstrated that they cannot be impartial with anything pertaining to the superintendent.

5)  This action is even at odds with what Quatrone argued for over the summer.  He argued that "doctrine of necessity" should be used so he can negotiate with the entire Board.  Now he wants to negotiate with 3 or 4?  He isn't even consistent with his own schemes.

6)     Joe Leto has a conflict in appointing these committees.  He is definitely going down the same path as Joe Licata and Dominic Miller. 

7)     The Board is purposely keeping me off of any negotiation committees because I can be fair.  I am not bought and paid for like other members.  I am not looking for anything. I thoroughly research matters before the Board.   

The Lodi taxpayers are being set up for another very costly scam.  This is exactly what I warned the town about leading up to the November election.