Saturday, February 3, 2018

No matter what decade, no matter what year, you hear the same BS for Lodi's unfair hiring practices...

January 31, 2018, from the Record article "Lodi school board unfairly hired trustee's girlfriend, ethics complaint alleges":

"The recommendation comes from who I feel is most qualified," Quatrone said at the board's Jan. 24 meeting. "I made five appointments tonight and I couldn't tell you who they're dating either."

Had he thought the candidates available from the previously submitted résumés were not qualified, he would have posted the job listing elsewhere, he said.

July 31, 2012, from the Record Editorial “All in the Family”:

Schools Superintendent Frank Quatrone told The Record that the younger Capizzi's qualifications were so strong, in fact, that he did not see a need to consider other candidates.

Quatrone magically finds the most qualified without posting positions or conducting any real selection process.  Resumes are on file before positions open. The most qualified present themselves.  They are exceptional.  They are the best.  They fall right out of the sky and land in Quatrone’s office.  There is no reason to look further.

People aren’t stupid.  The public isn’t buying it.  It’s time to stop.

The machine defines  “most qualified” as a family or friend that doesn’t have to compete against anyone. 

A PUBLIC school district run on $64M tax dollars should offer equal and fair employment opportunities to all.  It’s time to select the best candidate for each position.