Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Disgraceful vote by 4 Board members clearly exposed their CORRUPT motives!

Background:  Joe Leto was made BOE president on his very first day (unacceptable practice by any normal district for the obvious reasons).  Leto never received any training in negotiations.  He never  took the New Jersey School Boards Association’s on-line training for second year board members which focuses on negotiations.   

Immediately, Leto began selecting negotiation committees.  The committees had members with serious conflicts of interest.  The Board never set any negotiation goals.  The Board never set any negotiation parameters.  Board members were never updated once throughout the entire process.  Contracts were dumped on Board members’ steps the night before they were to be voted on. 

Leto was used as a tool of Quatrone and Capizzi.  Leto was rogue and working around the Board.  Quatrone got a 20% raise out of the corrupt process.  His contract contains illegal aspects.

There was no transparency.  There were no checks and balance.  I was denied all information that I was entitled to as Board member.

The NJSBA’s on-line training for second year BOE members clearly states guidelines for negotiations.  Lodi followed none of it.

Tonight:  A motion was made that the full Board (all members without conflicts) sets negotiation goals and parameters before negotiations begin and Board members be updated throughout the process.  This is a normal practice in other districts.  This allows some form of checks and balance. 

The motion passed 5-4.

The following members voted against this good common sense policy. 





Of course, the four members didn’t explain their votes.  Their actions further cement the corruption image they have worked so hard at establishing.

Some past posts on the subject: