Sunday, September 30, 2018

As Lodi Councilman, Marc Schrieks billed the Lodi taxpayers for hotel rooms in Atlantic City…

Was Marc learning any good practices from his time in Atlantic City?  Of course not.  These were his practices:

His time in Atlantic City was never about municipal business.  Marc Schrieks was attending lavish parties thrown by those receiving NO BID contracts from Lodi.  Marc admitted to attending some parties while lying about others.  Schrieks’ borough hall was pay-to-play on steroids.  Marc was receiving something in return for awarding and signing NO BID contracts.

Schrieks could have gone to AC for the day or paid for the hotel rooms with his own money as almost all elected officials do.  In fact, his hotel bills stopped appearing  after I questioned the mayor and council in 2012.  Marc knew what he was doing was wrong but only stopped after he was exposed.

Schrieks took complete advantage of the Lodi taxpayers.  He violated public trust. 

Link to post from 2013: