Saturday, September 1, 2018

NJ Monthly just ranked Lodi High School 259 out of 305 schools…

In 2016, Lodi was ranked 292 out of 337 schools.  This year, Lodi was ranked 259 out of  305 schools.  Lodi is in the bottom 15%.

Link to 2018 rankings:

I am terribly disappointed.  These results do not match the rhetoric you heard over the past year from Frank Quatrone as he was trying to justify his  recent 20% raise and all those merit bonuses he already received.

The Board needs to wake up.  We spent the last year arguing over an unnecessary $8M administration building, a 20% raise for Quatrone, and all those doctrines of necessity.  Over the past year, we spent too much time watching LEA activists disrupt our meetings. We watched Frank Quatrone encouraging LEA activists to disrupt our meetings. We watched Board members pandering to LEA activists while neglecting Lodi’s students.

Enough is enough!

We need to address our curriculum and academic programs.

One obvious problem is the poor passing rate on AP exams which is listed at 7%.  I tried to bring this up many times when I first joined the Board.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t a priority for the Board majority and superintendent.

Lodi needs to elect Board members that put students first instead of their own self-interests.