Thursday, September 20, 2018

Member of the Lodi Boys & Girls Club Board of Directors under fire for racist tape…

Link to article on

From the article:

 "Christ almighty, in other words let the blacks come in, do whatever the [expletive] they want, smoke their marijuana, do this do that, and don't worry about it," Saudino said, according to WNYC.

Saudino’s comment is racist and shows how out of touch he is with reality.  The most vocal advocates for marijuana legalization and use are the rich, white, liberal hippie types and those that stand to profit the most. It was a group of black democrat state legislators that spoke out against legalizing marijuana and spoke of its perils.

I never thought much of Sheriff Saudino.  As a longtime member of the Lodi Boys and Girls Club Board of Directors, he sat by and allowed Mike Nardino, Joe Licata, and Jamie Ciofalo to corrupt a good organization with their Lodi politics and excessive greed.  The Club has a good mission and can serve the community in great ways.  It should never have allowed two shady characters to take over the helm just because they sat on the Lodi Board of Education and are connected to the Lodi Mayor and Council.

Link to Board of Directors: