Sunday, December 17, 2017

“Remote Voting” addressed in this month’s School Leader by the New Jersey School Boards Association…

Click below to view article:

From the article:

Remote Voting It is possible for a board member to participate in a meeting and vote remotely, for example by speaker phone, provided adequate steps are taken to ensure that the public can hear the remote member participate in the meeting and he or she can hear the other board members of the public.  A board that wishes to allow remote voting should first adopt a policy to set forth the conditions and procedures under which it would be permitted.  For example, it would not be appropriate for a majority of the members participating in a meeting to do so remotely.  This is another topic where it is appropriate to consult with board counsel before acting.

The Lodi BOE had no policy in place when it caught some members off guard with phone wires set up at our September meeting. 

What took place in September is just another example of wrong advice by legal counsel.  Another example of putting politics above school law, advisory opinions, and the recommendations of the New Jersey School Boards Association.