Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Backroom, deceptive, lawless. A dangerous precedent.

What measures will the “machine” go to achieve their goal?

They brought in a telephone so Mr. Carbonetti can cast votes from a medical facility.  Mr. Carbonetti has not attended a meeting since May.  Mr. Carbonetti voted with the “machine” on everything controversial.

This was never done before by the Board.

Our by-laws don’t allow it.

An email from the Board Attorney (just sent yesterday) stated the following: Since our bylaw does not address this issue, a motion to amend bylaw #0165 would have to be made to state that a board member who is unable to attend a board of education meeting due to the fact that he/she is presently confined to a medical facility shall be able to appear via telephone and fully participate in the meeting and vote on all motions.”

Before the Washington School students could even speak, the shady Mike Nardino tried to make a motion to allow Mr. Carbonetti to cast votes by telephone.

By-laws were never amended to allow vote by phone for members that haven't attended a meeting in almost six months.  The Board has no policy allowing this.  Our objections were ignored and dismissed.

Dominic Miller and others tried to stop audience members from taking pictures of the phone, a clear sign of guilt.

Lodi residents were shut out of the meeting (left in the parking lot).  Out of town union members filled the room.

Residents of Lodi would have made a big deal about it.  Quatrones’s audience didn’t because they condone bad behavior.

This is a dangerous precedent.

What voting by telephone can lead to:

·       Someone living in Florida casting votes by telephone.

·       Someone intoxicated on their couch casting votes by telephone.

·       Someone not voting at all,  somebody else voting for them by telephone.

Where would it end?

If someone cannot fulfill their duties as a Board member for any reason, they should resign. 

The State allows a Board to remove a member who misses three consecutive meetings.  Why would the State allow that, other than the fact it’s in a districts best interest.

This was all done behind our backs. 

Reformers on the Board have no legal representation at our meetings.  Only the shady ones do.

The following members voted to violate our by-laws and policies:  Robert Marra, Jonathan Carafa, Michael Nardino, and Dominic Miller.