Thursday, December 21, 2017

BOE Member Bob Marra was way out of line…

Before the start of last night’s meeting, Bob Marra tried to make a big scene.  Students and their parents were sitting just feet away.

Bob Marra approached me and held his cell phone to my face.  He showed me a text sent to him by Joe Russo.  He accused me of being behind the text as well as having someone research him on Facebook.  His accusations were baseless.  His behavior was disrespectful.  There is a time and a place.

I reached out to Mr. Marra after the meeting, expecting an apology from him.  Instead, I received an even more childish response.

For anyone wondering what was taking place, I will be clear.  Ever since I endorsed Kerry for the one year seat, Bob Marra has been looking for an argument at meetings and through emails.

I would not be surprised if certain politicians put him up to this.

I will not stoop to that level.  I will always respect the office that we hold and the people in attendance at our meetings.