Monday, October 16, 2017

Total conflict of interest! Who is paying for Miller's and Licata’s attorney?

I received a letter today that Dominic Miller and Patricia Licata are using attorney Albert H. Wunsch, III for their hearing against my “blog”.


Wunsch is the attorney for the Lodi PBA.  Councilwoman Patricia Licata approves PBA contracts that are prepared by Wunsch.

Private funds are supposed to be used for ethics complaints filed against a Board member.  Licata never goes into her pocket for anything.  Neither does Miller.  Look at what he did with Sciarrillo’s bills.

This a total conflict of interest.  A few weeks ago during a phone conference, I warned the judge about Licata and Miller possibly trying to use an attorney doing business with the Board or Borough.  I was right.

How can two people so void of ethics be running this town?

Dominic Miller just took his test to become lieutenant.  

How bad does it look that he and a Lodi councilwoman are part of joint complaint, using the same attorney?