Tuesday, October 31, 2017

What is this message really about?

The LEA leadership endorsed the worst candidates for students.  

They are trying to fill the Board with the worst abusers of nepotism.  They are trying to create a 100% conflicted Board. They are trying to prop up a corrupt "machine" that was rejected last year. 

They are trying to rid the Board of any members without conflicts of interest.  They are trying to rid the Board of any members with children in the schools. 

They want a special interest group and people that don’t live in Lodi to steal this election.

Prepare your neighbors for what they have coming on Saturday.

Take pictures.  Document what is said to you.  Any efforts on behalf of candidates must be reported with ELEC.

And ask the LEA leadership two very important questions:  why wouldn't they negotiate and what percentage are they looking for?

It's time for everyone to work together and settle a fair contract asap