Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Superintendent is trying to select his own negotiating team for his own contract.

The superintendent contract automatically renewed for five years on January 1st without any Board members being notified or given the opportunity to discuss it.  How that happened, I have no idea.

The Board was told that the superintendent can negotiate more pay prior to July 1, 2017 since the salary cap expired and there is a new ceiling.

The contract is supposed to be negotiated by Board members WITHOUT CONFLICTS.

However, the superintendent and at least four members with conflicts want to change the rules to allow the members with conflicts to negotiate.

We are awaiting an advisory opinion on the matter.

In the meantime, the taxpayers of Lodi are being set up for another big rip-off. 

Five seats are open in November.  Only four members remain- myself, along with Board members Nardino, Miller, and Carbonetti.  The three have serious conflicts of interest.  They vote in a block.  They rubber-stamp everything for Mr. Quatrone.  They will give him the world and make the rest of Lodi pay.

Technically, I have a “conflict” also being I have an aunt employed in the schools.  People that know the situation realize that it doesn’t affect my independent judgment at all.  It’s a conflict on paper only.  However, the conflict is there.  All four remaining members have conflicts.

The “machine” strategy:  get an entire Board with conflicts of interest.  Therefore, the entire Board would have to negotiate (using “doctrine of necessity").  Everyone negotiating would have family members working under Mr. Quatrone or they themselves would be working under Mr. Quatrone’s brother, the Lodi Police Chief.

The result:  Mr. Quatrone would be writing his own contract.  I would be completely outnumbered.  The taxpayers of Lodi would not be represented.  They would fall victim of a big rip-off.

The Lodi taxpayers must heed my advice:  protect yourselves.